Sunday, May 9, 2010

a lil kickball (Neah Bay Story #2)

hi kids do you like kickball!!

cuz im a kickball!! and i can tell you a story better!!

lemme guess!! youre thinking kickballs dont tell stories because they cant!! they just get kicked around and stuff like a ball but youre wrong!! im a specially special kickball like my mommy told me so!!

look at me i even have a mouth and thats because why!!

do you know why yet!! of course you dont silly i havent told you yet!!

its a sad story!! because i was actually kicked into a bramble patch!! deep down in the bramble patch and the indian kids tried to get me!! but their mommys said stop right there young misters thats dangerous!! bramble bushes are bad and and theres even broken beer bottles!! but not anymore the nice people came and cleaned them up!! but wait im going too fast!!

no im not!! thats because im telling you about my mouth!! do you know why!! because its fast and i cant possibly go any faster than it already goes!! its also because i have one extra specially!!

there was a bunch of nice people like i said!! but one of them was the very nicest!! and he came by with a big pair of choppers and he chopped me right out of the root!! wait i forgot to tell you!! there was a root!! a bramble root and it was growing thru my little head!! and it really really hurt i mean they both did but the choppers hurt even more!! but then i got out and i was happy all of a sudden and i said i had a mouth and started speaking!!

thats because im a kickball!! i mean a specially special kickball and not even because my mommy told me so!! its because they call me a plushy kickball because i look like a plushy one because i feel like one!! and thats better and being out there in the rain months and months and months didnt make me stupid and hard it only made me even plushier so it was good after all but it hurt!!

so thats where i came from but where am i going to thats because they did it to me!! they had me like a ball like i was and they threw me around!! thats before they kicked me around like i was supposed to i mean they were supposed to kick me!! and that doesnt hurt i mean it hurts a little but it feels even better!! than all of that!!

isnt it strange i get a kick out of being kicked!! hehehehe!!

so then it started raining but what happened first was they had to make teams because i guess they decided it wasnt worth it to chop thru any more bramble anymore i guess because they were getting tired after all its hard work and it probably hurts them too!! and there i was it was perfect for both of us i mean all of us!! except the indians but they got all killed by the cowboys anyways except like a couple ones theyre here!! and theyre mean!!

but first it started raining i mean even before that it was a game!! i mean it still was a game but it almost wasnt because of the rain!! but i think they were getting used to the rain!! i know i did!!

but they kept kicking me i went in a puddle!! then they i mean one of them i mean the one with the gloves hold on they all had gloves!! let me start over!!

it was an important play!! i mean they all were but this one specially!! and then i went in the puddle and they all groaned!! but then the nicest one picked me up like before!!

and then it felt the best of all!! he squeezed me!! and i squeezed all over!!

and all the water drippy dropped out of me!!

thats because of the gloves!! theyre the best of all!!

the best of all what!! only the best of all stuff ever!! dont you get it!!

i wont tell you anymore unless you already know it!! i cant say it any better!! but at least im trying and you need to try too!!

thats what i really want to say but im not done yet!!

and then they put me back down and kept kicking me like before!! they were laughing and i was laughing with them too because i had a mouth now!!

it was the best and not even the gloves best!! i mean even better than that!! because i mean all of it is everything and everything is always even better!! the whole story i mean but not the part about the root or the choppers!! but i guess it was that way to be the way it was because had to be!! because my mommy said theyd kick me around but always keep rolling and get back up and be a good little bally ball!! thats what i really wanted to say and i guess im done unless you want me to tell you even more!!

wait one more thing!! you do because i have a mouth!!

wait!! i mean you do what i can do and say anything because now i have a mouth and you do too!! i mean i think youve had a mouth always but now you really have a mouth because i told you you do!!

isnt it weird how that works sometimes because sometimes you forget because you dont always use it because you dont always need it or at least because you dont think you need it always but you always need it anyways!!

but im not stupid like you!! i wont ever forget because i never had one until now and im gonna tell the whole wide world about it and everything else too and maybe even other stuff i mean with other people and balls and other stories maybe!!

and hopefully theyll thank me too because they want to kick me thats what i am in my heart not just in my mouth and i mean that a lot!!

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