Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lyrics on the Summit

God -- He really did it this time!
If I was a stuck-up prick before now,
Jesus, what will this make me?

Standing on the top of a huge fucking mountain,
Naked, dying of laughter,
That all I once took for truth was proven wrong.

Today, my new philosophy is
Setting my watch for the universal time it will
Be overturned -- like a statue -- can I be trusted?

I have always been -- different. Not stronger, no --
I thought I was better than them! What a joke!
More ready to bend with the wind -- resilient!

I was worse! But I have been reformed, I swear it,
Like that guy in A Clockwork Orange --
Hah! What choice do I have?

They were once morally inferior because they were happier than I,
And now they are morally inferior because they are sadder than I.
In the new light, I have seen how life changes men!

For I have really led myself to believe
That all pain comes from inside -- but why?
Is it not an illusion -- or a sign?

I don't care anymore. These are the wrong questions.
Let me dance for the moment like a naked baboon;
Red-faced, whipped by the wind!

From every mountainside,
Let me yodel my fool-love-song!
And I will bring down the avalanche, the downhill slide.