Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How They Look at Evil

Evil is, to them, at first,
a curiosity,
no more than a tadpole
in a pond, to be stirred,
a girl's dress to raise,
or a pear to be lifted
from a neighbor's yard -
a bit of childish mischief;
an end in itself.

As they mature and
become responsible,
Evil then becomes, to them,
not an end in itself, but a means
to more serious,
and good ends:

1. They spray Evil all over their bodies
like cologne
to seduce feeble-minded women
and men, the only kind there are.

2. With Evil in hand they bludgeon
colleagues, subordinates, and peons
to keep them on task long enough
till something is forged out of nothing.

3. The best of them
adopt Evil and raise it
into history or infamy -
erecting slaughter-houses
of the body and mind;
sublime pleasure-domes.

But they are not made evil by Evil.
like truly Great Men,
they dispatch Evil itself, like a weak underling,
when it has outlived its usefulness:

I. When their love-victims are smitten
and hopeless, they morph again,
from playboy into suitable husband,
from seductress into wife.

II. When their employees
are exhausted and
on the verge of mutiny,
they take them to lunch, offer a raise,
or merely stop barking out commands
long enough to listen.

III. The adopted self-righteousness
of dictators, celebrities, and preachers
leads them to greatness;
their exceptionalism
creates meaning in the average man's
sad life.

With evil swirling in their eyes
and bulging in their veins -
life is mastered, conquered, subdued,

Drink the drought!
Join the ranks of
the world's true Wiccans,
the weavers of reality;

masters of nature and man.

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